FoamChariot® I

Three-Door Hose / Storage Compartments - NFPA Stripes & Warning Lights
Removable tow bar - 3000 / 4000 lb. unit stores in 6.5 x 6.5 ft. space
Several Firefighting Station Configurations
Control monitor by radio from 600 ft.
500 GPM monitor, 95 gpm self-flushing handline and Blitzfire eductor
PRV for use with LDH supply hose
Blanked discharges for future expansion
Portable electric foam transfer pump
Seven hour power center
60" open hose storage box option
Budget Buggy - No cabinets - 275 or 330 gallon unit with a 500 GPM monitor.
Budget Buggy
Rail yard or marketing terminal asset.
PA Emergency Mgt. 4 of 9
NY State DHS
NY State DHS
Grafton, MA
PA Emergency Mgt.
Hannibal, MO 1 of 2
Procter & Gambel